
Baptisms and Christenings

We are delighted that you are thinking of having your child baptised.  When babies and small children are baptised it is frequently called a Christening rather than a Baptism. There is no difference; they are different names for the same ceremony.

Baptism is a great occasion for celebration as a person is welcomed into the church family.  It marks the beginning of a faith journey.  Every journey is different – for some it will begin in early childhood, for others it may happen later in life. For adults, Baptism is linked with Confirmation.  You can find some excellent information on the Church of England website on Christenings and adult Baptism.

Some frequently asked questions, and a few things specific to Rushen Parish …

What is expected of me or my child?

Baptism is one of the Church’s sacraments – a visible sign of God’s love for us.  Jesus himself was baptised at the start of his ministry as the sign of a new beginning.  He taught his followers to baptise others – turning away from their old life as a sign of starting a new one.  It marks the decision to follow Jesus Christ within the family of the Church. With Baptism your child becomes a member of the church and you are committing yourself to support him or her in growing in faith. Parents and godparents make promises that they will do this.

Who can be baptised in Rushen Parish ?

You, or your child, can be baptised in one of our churches if you live in Rushen Parish or if you regularly attend services with us.  If you live outside the Parish and do not attend our services regularly you should approach your own parish church.  However, if you have a long-term connection with this Parish (e.g. you lived here as a child, or got married here, or your parents still live in the parish) then please do contact the Vicar who will explore the various options with you.


The Baptism Registers allow up to four Godparents, but traditionally there are three Godparents; two female and one male for a girl, and vice versa for a boy.  It is important that you choose people who will take an interest in your child’s spiritual life and who will pray for you and your child. They should be baptised themselves and mature enough to act as a Godparent.   For helpful information on choosing a godparent please visit the Church of England website. You might like to ask the godparents you choose to read this information in preparation for the service.


Baptism is a symbol of God’s love for us which is freely given, and so there is no charge for Baptism services.  You are encouraged to consider making a donation towards the life and worship of the church.

An alternative to Baptism Some parents may feel that Baptism is not appropriate for them at this time. There is another way to celebrate the gift of a child without the commitment that Baptism involves.  In a Service of Thanksgiving and Blessing parents and families give thanks to God for the birth or adoption of a child and everyone prays for family life.  A Thanksgiving Service is not a Baptism.  There are no promises to make about the Christian faith.  The child will be blessed, named, and prayed for, and supporting friends will promise to support the parents in bringing up their child. We are very happy to help you plan such a special service for your child.

What next?

Please contact us at the Parish Office if you have any questions or need any more information.

A few weeks before the service, the vicar will meet with you to talk about the meaning of Baptism and to look through the service in more detail. We look forward to hearing from you.