St. Catherine’s

Morning Worship: 11am each Sunday

St. Catherine’s Church is located on Church Road in Port Erin. It has been a focus of worship for residents and holiday makers, alike, since 1880.  We meet for morning worship and this is usually a mix of traditional and contemporary worship styles. An All-Age service is held on the third Sunday of the month.

Morning Worship is at 11.00am each Sunday, except on the 4th Sunday of the month, where all four churches in the Parish come together for a joint service at 11am. On occasion this is changed, so please check the Parish calendar on the right for details.

Sunday School aka Wonderzone
Children and their families at St Catherine’s spend the majority of their time taking part in the church service. They are provided with a variety of age appropriate and engaging materials at the back of church. They are encouraged to actively take part in the full worship of the church.

During the sermon we take the children into the hall for their learning time. We engage in much wondering together as we share Godly play stories, play, pray and sing together.

Church Hall
St. Catherine’s Church Hall is a popular choice for both church and community events. Over the summer months weekly concerts are held on a Thursday evening. Throughout the year a variety of activities are held at the hall; Soup Inn, Mothers’ Union meetings, Rushen Roamers walking group.

The hall can be hired for regular or ad hoc community events such as birthday parties, exhibitions and exercise classes. Being in such a prominent place in the village makes it the ideal place to hire.


A little bit of History

St. Catherine’s Church was built in 1880 by the generosity of William Milner, a locksmith who moved from Liverpool to Port Erin. He set up many charities to help the poverty-stricken fisherman. In memory of his charitable works Milner’s Tower (in the shape of a lock) was erected on Bradda Head.

A history recounting the first 50 years of St. Catherine’s was compiled by Rev. Ridings in 1930. Writing at the time, Bishop Stanton-Jones said of St. Catherine’s that it has been ‘a centre of worship and beneficent ministry, serving the spiritual interests not only of the residents but also the summer visitors’

A further history book was compiled in 1980 to celebrate the centenary in the life of the church. It is recorded that it was Mr Milner’s wish that the church should be ‘dedicated to St. Catherine since that Saint’s name had been attached to the first Christian Church in the district – Keeill Catreeney.