Supporting the Vision

Rushen Parish has an exciting and challenging vision:

to be at the Heart of the Community
revealing the Heart of God.

Much of which needs financial support to make it happen. Your giving goes towards the many ministry and mission opportunities that we are actively engaged in. These include:

  • Clergy: our share of clergy costs: stipend, housing, training of lay and ordained ministers (all this via the Diocesan Shared Ministry Fund).

Worship: we place a high priority on worship and part of your giving enables us to have a Director of Music for the Parish and organists at each of our main services.

  • Children and families: we have growing numbers of children and young people attending our churches, our youth groups, and our thriving Messy Church. We continue to forge strong links with the local schools through assemblies and Godly Play sessions. Your giving supports these ministries with resources and training.
  • Community and Buildings: we are blessed with four church buildings (and two church halls) that are used both for worship and for many community-facing opportunities. Your money goes towards maintaining and developing these facilities for current and future generations. This includes insurance, lighting, heating and repairs.
  • Support services: the ministry of the church is supported by people who contribute to the cleaning of our buildings, the administration, as well as photocopying costs, etc.

There are a number of ways that you can support the mission and ministry of Rushen Parish.  You can support us by any of the following (click on each one to reveal more information):

Standing Order

Simply download and complete a standing order form and send it to your bank (this also can be done by telephone or internet banking).  This has the advantage that your giving is regular, means that you don’t forget when life is busy and significantly it helps the church with its financial planning.  Furthermore, for IOM taxpayers the tax paid can be reclaimed on the amount that is given.

One off Donations

Simply download and complete a form and send it with your gift to the treasurer.  Like giving by standing order, the tax from an one-off donation can be reclaimed; the treasurer will you send a receipt for you to send with your Tax Return.


Following this link, or the donate now button to the left of the page.

Deed of Covenant

If you sign a deed of covenant form (a formal written promise) to give regular amounts to the Church for at least 4 years, you can claim tax relief on your giving.  In this way you can increase your regular giving at no extra cost to you.  There are no minimum or maximum restrictions on the amount which can be covenanted, so you are free to give what you like and still obtain tax relief.  In order to obtain tax relief a copy of the Deed of Covenant should be forwarded to the Income Tax Division in order to include the deduction in the clients code.  Otherwise the Deed should be enclosed with the relevant return form.


The Church has benefited for many years by people who have left a gift in their will. Should you wish to do this the following form of words is suggested.

I give the sum of — pounds to Rushen Parochial Church Council for the general purposes of the Council and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the Council shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.

Why reclaim the Tax ?

If you are an Isle of Man taxpayer, covenants and gifts (either by standing order or one-off donations) are tax-effective ways in which you can help.  This is because the Parochial Church Council is in law a charity (it is exempted by the Religious Charities Regulations 1999 from registration under the Charities Registration Act 1989).  You can claim tax relief for gifts or covenanted payments, or for both. (If you do not pay Isle of Man income tax you should take appropriate advice.)

Gifts to charities, that are more than £100 but not exceeding £7,000 in any tax year, are deductible from an individual’s income for tax purposes. For example, if you give the Church £500 out of taxed income, the cost to you is £500, but if you pay tax at 10% or more, and give the Church £555.56, you can claim tax relief on that amount. The cost to you, after tax, is still £500, but the Church is £55.56 better off.

Note however that the minimum annual amount allowed as a deduction in respect of individuals is £100 per charity. The £100 can be made up of either a single payment or be the total of a number of smaller payments made to the same charity during the year.