
Our Services

All of our Sunday services include singing, prayers, Bible readings, and a sermon or talk. After every service there is a chance to get to know each other over tea, coffee and biscuits. All of our churches have a hearing aid loop, and large print service sheets are always available. All churches are wheelchair accessible (some with a ramp).

If the service is described as ‘Holy Communion’ it will also include the serving of bread and wine. All are welcome at the altar table to either receive the bread and wine, or just a simple blessing. We use everyday bread, however traditional church wafers are also available. Wine is served from a shared silver chalice, but it is perfectly fine to just take the bread, if preferred.

Whilst families are welcome at all our services, if the service is described as ‘All Age’, it will be particularly suitable to families and children. It will usually involve simple songs (for everybody) as well as hymns and an interactive learning together activity in place of a traditional sermon. The Sunday Schools sometimes prepare songs or dramatized readings for these services.

The Bible readings used in our services are provided by the Church of England Lectionary and usually read from the NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) of the Bible. This is a clear and accurate, modern English version of the Bible which makes the message accessible to everybody in the congregation. Bible readings are usually read by different members of the congregation (on a rota).

Most of our services are taken from the ‘Common Worship’ service book. This book, produced in 2000, contains a full range of approved Anglican services in easy-to-understand, contemporary English. Each service is printed on weekly a service sheet to make it easy to follow.

If a service on the calendar is described as ‘BCP’ it means that it is taken from the ‘Book of Common Prayer’. This alternative and much older service book was first produced in 1662 and though it has been revised over the years, it still uses many beautiful, traditional and well-loved phrases that have been at the heart of church services for centuries.

Prayers in our services are a mixture of set prayers from the service book and intercessory prayer led by a member of the congregation. This gives us a variety of voices and concerns to pray for our world, our community and ourselves.

  • St Mary’s Choir are a traditional robed church choir, who enthusiastically sing hymns in three-part harmony and anthems for special occasions, usually accompanied by the organ. We practice at 6:30pm on Thursdays at St Mary’s church. Newcomers will be made very welcome. Please contact Mike Porter for details.
  • St Catherine’s music group contribute to the worship each Sunday during the services. We aim to compliment the traditional music played by the organists and provide a more contemporary style of music. We are constantly adding to our repertoire and are always on the look out for new music to share. Our music varies from Hillsong music to Taize and includes song written by our keyboard player, Steve Curtis. We are always on the look out for additional members so please contact Wendy Heaton for further information if you would like to join us.